Free US History Textbooks PDF – American History Textbooks

Free US History Textbooks PDF - Prentice Hall - McGraw Hill

Dozens of free US history textbooks PDF. High School United States history, College, & Primary School. Read online or download. Includes Open Access. American history textbooks. Prentice Hall United States history textbook pdf, Holt McDougal, McGraw-Hill, and many other publishers. Some texts include geography.

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U.S. History Book Pages on Century Past

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American History Textbooks in PDF


Give Me Liberty! An American History (Vol 1) (2019)

Give Me Liberty! An American History (Vol 2) (2019)

Author: Foner, Eric
Publisher: W. W. Norton

Eric Foner Give Me Liberty. Vol 1 to 1877. Vol 2 from 1865.


Introduction to American History, Vol 2 (2016)

Author: Farmer, Brian
Publisher: BVT

U.S. History from 1865 to the present, United States history since 1877.

The American Pageant : A History of the American People (Single Vol) (2016)

The American Pageant : A History of the American People (Vol 2) (2016) – High School United States History

Author: Kennedy, David M., et al
Publisher: Cengage Learning

The American Pageant is said to be the most popular AP (High School Advanced Placement) High school United States history textbook pdf.

United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (2016)

United States History: Modern America (Single Vol), Teacher’s Edition (2013)

United States History (Single Vol) (2010)

Author: Lapsansky-Werner, Emma J.
Publisher: Pearson

The Pearson US history textbook high school.

The American Republic (Single Vol) (2016)

Author: Larson, Rachel C.
Publisher: BJU Press

United States history textbook pdf.

American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context – Vol 2 (2016)

American Horizons: U.S. History in a Global Context – Vol 2 (2013)

Author: Schaller, Michael
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Michael Schaller American Horizons pdf.

America: A Narrative History (Single Vol) (2016)

America: A Narrative History (Vol 2) (2016)

America: A Narrative History (Single Vol) (2013)

America : The Essential Learning Edition (Vol 1) (2015)

Author: Shi, David Emory and Tindall, George Brown
Publisher: Norton

David Shi America a Narrative History from W. W. Norton.


Making America : A History of the United States (Single Vol) (2015)

Author: Berkin, Carol
Publisher: Cengage Learning

American history text.

American Stories: A History of the United States (Vol 1) (2015)

Author: Brands, H.W., et al
Publisher: PEARSON

The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People (Single Vol) (2015)

Author: Brinkley, Alan
Publisher: McGraw Hill Education

McGraw Hill The Unfinished Nation by Alan Brinkley.

Becoming America : A History for the 21st Century (Single Vol) (2015)

Author: Henkin, David and Mcclennan, Rebecca
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

The American Promise : A History of the United States (Single Vol) (2015)

The American Promise : A History of the United States (Vol 1) (2015)

The American promise : A Concise History (Single Vol) (2014)

The American Promise : A History of the United States (Single Vol) (2012)

Author: Roark, James L., et al
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martins

The American Promise.


The American Journey (Vol 1) (2014)

The American Journey (Single Vol) (2014)

Author: Goldfield, David R., et al
Publisher: Pearson

Pearson The American Journey.

America’s History (Single Vol) (2014) – High School United States History

Author: Henretta, James, et al
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martins

Advanced Placement U.S. history. 1450 to the Present in one volume


United States : History & Geography (2013)

Discovering our Past: A History of the United States (Single Vol) (2013)

The American Vision (2008)

The American Republic (Vol 2) (2007)

Author: Appleby, Joyce, et al
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education

The American Vision; The American Republic text, by Joyce Appleby and others. Discovering our Past free download or read online. U.S. History Textbook McGraw Hill PDF.

The American Experiment : A History of the United States (2013)

Author: Gillon, Steven M. and Matson, Cathy D.
Publisher: Wadsworth Cengage Learning

Wadsworth Cengage The American Experiment PDF.

Exploring American Histories : A Brief Survey with Sources (Single Vol) (2013)

Author: Hewitt, Nancy A. and Lawson, Steven F.
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s

Bedford St. Martin’s Exploring American Histories.

Exploring American Histories : A Brief Survey with Sources (Single Vol) (2013)

Author: Hewitt, Nancy A. and Lawson, Steven F.
Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s

Bedford St. Martin’s Exploring American Histories.

Visions of America (vol 2) (2013)

Author: Keene, Jennifer D., et al
Publisher: Pearson

Pearson Visions of America. U.S. history 1877 to present.

HIST – Vol 2(2013)

Author: Schultz, Kevin M.
Publisher: Wadsworth – Cengage Learning

US history since 1865.


American Passages (2012)

Author: Ayers, Edward L., et al
Publisher: Wadsworth Cengage Learning

Cengage American Passages.

The American Journey (Vol 1) (2012) – High School United States History

Author: Baker, Doug and Hutchins, Susan
Publisher: Rainmaker Education, College Division

AP edition of the American Journey from Rainmaker Education. United States History to 1877. AP High School United States history pdf.

United States History and Government – Prentice Hall Brief Review (2012)

Author: Briggs, Bonnie-Anne, Petersen, Catherine Fish
Publisher: Pearson

Prentice Hall United States History Textbooks PDF.

American History : Connecting with the Past (2012)

Author: Brinkley, Alan
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education

McGraw-Hill Connecting with the Past by Alan Brinkley.

The Americans (Vol 2) (2012)

The Americans (Single Vol) (Year)

Author: Danzer, Gerald A.
Publisher: Holt McDougal

The Americans by Gerald Danzer. Holt McDougal American history textbook pdf free.

United States History (Vol 1) (2012)

Author: Deverell, William
Publisher: Holt McDougal

Holt McDougal U.S. History Textbook PDF.


History Alive! The United States Through Industrialism (2011) – High School United States History

Author: Bower, Bert
Publisher: Teachers’ Curriculum Institute

History Alive! High School United States History pdf.

The American People : Creating a Nation and a Society (Single Vol) (2011)

Author: Nash, Gary B., et al
Publisher: Prentice Hall

The American People Creating a Nation and a Society. Prentice Hall US history book pdf.

Textbook Collections for American History

US History Texts

Text books of United States history online at the Internet Archive. They include textbooks at the elementary, secondary and higher education levels. Some titles: Michael Schaller American Horizons; McGraw-Hill U.S. A Narrative History; Wadsworth-Cengage HIST; Brian Farmer Introduction to American History; Rachel Larson The American Republic; W.W. Norton America A Narrative History; Pearson United States History Reconstruction to the Present; Pearson American Stories; James Roark The American Promise; McGraw-Hill Becoming America; Pearson American Journey; McGraw-Hill Discovering our Past; McGraw-Hill The American Vision; McGraw-Hill The American Republic; Cengage Making America; McGraw Hill Unfinished Nation; McGraw Hill Experience History. Prentice Hall US History Textbook PDF free.

U.S. History Texts – Elementary School Collection

Social Studies textbooks for elementary school classes at the Internet Archive. Many are for U.S. history. Some book titles: George Washington, Ben Franklin, Common Core Curriculum United States History, Doctor Elizabeth Blackwell, Contemporary United States: 1968 to the Present, Social Studies Alive!, Indiana Social Studies, Harcourt Social Studies, Houghton Mifflin Social Studies, Exploring American History, Read-Draw-Remember American History Activities, Get Ready for Social Studies U.S. History, American History Adds Up, In Search of America’s Past.

U.S. History Texts – Middle School Collection

United States History texts for middle school classes, at the Internet Archive. Some textbook titles: Experiencing American History, Prentice Hall America: History of Our Nation, Holt Social Studies United States History, Call to Freedom: Beginnings to 1877, The American Republic to 1877, The Princeton Review American History Smart Junior, Discovering Our Past The American Journey to World War I , McDougal Littell Creating America. Prentice Hall US History Textbook PDF free.

High School American History Textbooks – Collection – High School United States History

United States History text books for secondary school. Some book titles: Prentice Hall United States History textbook pdf. McGraw Hill United States History and Geography textbook pdf; McGraw Hill Discovering Our Past; Holt McDougal American history textbook pdf free; Prentice Hall United States History and Government; Holt American Anthem; Alan Brinkley American History; Appleby The American Vision from Glencoe; History Alive! Prentice Hall America History of our Nation; McDougal Littell Creating America, plus many more. High School. U.S. History Textbook McGraw Hill PDF. United States history and geography textbook pdf.

U.S. History Documents and Sources – Collection

More than 2,000 books at the Internet Archive found in a search for United States History – Sources. It includes many ‘documentary histories’ and textbooks containing document collections. Prentice Hall United States History Textbook PDF.

U.S. History Examination Study Guides – Collection

United States history examination study guides online, at the Internet Archive. Some book titles: Barron’s SAT Subject Test U.S. History, 5 Steps to a 5 AP U.S. History, Princeton Review Cracking the AP U.S. History Exam, United States History Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination, McGraw-Hill Education SAT Subject Test United States History, Kaplan AP U.S. History, Kaplan SAT Subject Test U.S History, AP U.S. History All Access.